I work collaboratively with healthcare professionals and refer patients to nutritionists, physical therapists, doctors, and psychotherapists. From my experience working in a hospital-based setting, I have learned that concurrent therapy enhances and accelerates a patient’s healing when practitioners can work together in their specialties. Here is a list of colleagues refer out:
Integrative Nutrition
Julie Fischer @ www.healthyonhudson.com
Guided Meditation/Breathing
- Joy Solomon (917) 642-5107
- Jennifer Monness (914) 588-1697
Greenwich Fertlity & IVF Center
Integrative Medicine
Dr. Susan Blum
NY Orthopedics
Myofascial Release Therapy
Maria LaPutt @ www.anandapt.com
Physical Therapy
- Brad Gilden
- Karen Gstadler-Dring Travis Signer
- Travis Signer
Ani Dorian (203) 561-0486